It was 30 years ago yesterday...if this comes out on time...30 years ago we went to the grail. I remember those days, Bruce, Thurman, Reed, Kelly, and I will never forget Don Beebe (I see you Leon Lett). It has been a very long time since we all got to feel this way, myself included. Savor it Bills Mafia! This is our time to shine. What I’d like to talk about is my fear...not of Billsing’ in like so many say as halfway fans. I would like to talk about Andy Reid. I know the focus is on Patrick Mahomes, who is, in my mind, the future of NFL QBS. YES, you won’t like me because Josh Allen, however, I think this is his test...I think he passes it with flying colors! But let’s talk Andy Reid for a second… The guy is virtually unbeatable in the playoffs stemming back to his days with the Philadelphia Eagles and further. What I say to you Bills Mafia… OUR COACH LEARNED FROM HIM…

Sean was a student of Andy Reid and I am fairly confident with all we got going on..we can stop it. I just like to bring light to that because they all dogged us on this, but I know, in my heart, my home and my city will overcome. We are so ready for our moment...25 years...This is OUR moment. Now I didn’t want to write a hype piece but I am so absolutely humbled for the opportunity to even write for this company so I’m like all of you, ready, waiting...and on Sunday...I’ll be screaming my lungs out from hundreds of miles away saying “THIS IS WHY I AM A BUFFALONIAN”
Yes, We need to contain Tyreek...yes, we need to be aware of CEH… But if we BILLIEVE, our next game is in Tampa for the Super Bowl! Are you with me? Let them say what they will, we are the underdogs and I will tell you as a proud Buffalo boy… This won’t be easy, we will be biting our nails...that’s for sure… I can recall, when I was a kid, having the likes of Kelly and Thomas and Bennett and Smith ALL of them at my grandfather’s house. The message was and always will be, THIS IS WHO WE ARE...They doubted, they said we couldn’t and yet we did it… All I have to say at the end of this, my first column, they’ll get better I promise is...GO BILLS!
-Mark S