A message of hope during this global pandemic.
My name is Jordan Avissey, and I was born in Togo (Africa). I came to Paris in France at three years old with my mother and my two sisters. I used to play Soccer, Judo, and Basketball throughout my life. My mom is a single parent, but she always worked hard for us to make sure that we won't need anything.

My goal was to play in the NBA and participate at the Olympic games with the French National Team. Life isn't always like we want, and I injured my knee playing basketball a few years ago. I thought that my dreams were crushed. I had the chance to be surrounded by the most supportive family that you could've dreamed of. I had to learn to walk, run and jump again, to trust the process.
I came back more than a year after my surgery. Bigger, stronger and faster. I got named captain of my team and we won a regional championship. A few months after my comeback, a friend told me about American football. I gave it a try and instantly fell in love with the game. Feeling that I had a real potential, I left my family to chase my dream in America. After playing high school up North in Canada and being recognized as the best recruit coming out of France, I had the opportunity to participate and win the European Championships with the French American football team. I decided to continue my football career at the University at Buffalo.
My time in Buffalo has been incredible, the environment, the city and the people are incredible. So much different than Paris. In this environment full of love I am living the life of a Division 1 football player. The coaching staff and the teammates are a solid family where we can count on each other. We won, we lost but above all that we stayed together and fought through everything.
The pandemic arrived in everybody's lives like a storm and we've all been affected. As an international student I didn't get the chance to come back home since the beginning of the pandemic. Challenges came along the way but the University at Buffalo provided me the ressources to go through it.
We all have plans in life, we dream of success and happy life. Did the virus affect us? In a lot of ways, yes. My personal experience taught me to live in the now. Trusting your instinct and spreading awareness around you and helping people. Helping people is a great selfless way to help yourself. Involve yourself in the community. We're now living in the zoom era, it doesn't matter if it's 300 miles from here or 2 houses away.
My experience as an International Student Athlete at the University at Buffalo taught me the importance of being happy and taking care of one another. Mental health is really important. Listen to each other and make wise decisions.
We all have the power to make a difference around us, no matter the circumstances. The pandemic is here, let's make the most of it by sticking to each other and finding happiness. This is my message for whoever needs to read it. #Bulls4Life